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                Innovative industry technology

                Chuancheng · precision electronics

                Chuancheng focuses on the R & D and promotion of temperature controller, thermal protector, high-speed stamping die and automation equipment, and continuously integrates and optimizes the production process, while implementing strict production process Manage and improve the quality assurance system, products have passed UL, VDE, TUV, CB, CQC, Rosh and other certification. We adhere to the principle of "survival by quality, development by innovation, and development by

                Company advantage
                Company advantages

                Chuancheng · precision electronics
                Chuancheng Precision Electronics

                Chuancheng focuses on the R & D and promotion of temperature controller, thermal protector, high-speed stamping die and automation equipment, and continuously integrates and optimizes the production process, while implementing strict production process
                Manage and improve the quality assurance system, products have passed UL, VDE, TUV, CB, CQC, Rosh and other certification. We adhere to the principle of "survival by quality, development by innovation, and development by
                The management strives for the benefit, strives for the market by the service "the management idea, strives for the perfection, manufactures the more high quality product, satisfies the customer's expectation!

                • square
                  Garden plant
                • Yu Tai
                  Automatic assembly equipment
                • Ten thousand
                  Monthly capacity
                product display
                Product display

                Precision mold

                WS1 Waterstop



                Why chooseChuan Cheng

                Company newsIndustry information

                Working principle of motor overheat protector...

                In the production practice, the phenomenon of overheating and even burning of the windings caused by overloading or phase-off operation of the motor endlessly not only affects normal production, but also brings certain economic losses to the enterpri...

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