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                Innovative industry technology

                Zhongshan Chuancheng Precision Electronics Co., Ltd
                21 South Shengfeng Lianfeng Road, Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan City
                heat protector-CS2-CZ

                Product advantages
                ● Small product size and wide installation range
                ● With power failure protection and delay protection function
                ● More suitable for abnormal protection of small motors
                ● Various types of terminals can be installed more flexibly and extensively: rivet wire, insert, bending
                product description
                CS2-Automatic Series: It is a thermal protector product with dual protection of over temperature and over current. Its working principle is that the current passes through the terminal, bimetallic reed and two contacts. When the electrical appliance is not working properly, the surrounding temperature or current is too high, causing the heat to reach the tripping temperature value of the protector, the bimetallic sheet is heated to generate internal stress and act quickly to cut off the circuit. When the device cools to a safe operating temperature, the bimetallic reed quickly resets, the contacts close automatically, and power is restored. The trip time and overcurrent can be customized according to customer requirements. The life of the thermostat can be customized according to the current used by the customer.
                Application range
                Products are widely used in vacuum cleaners, paper shredders, mixers, lawn mowers; snow sweepers, defoggers, laminators; power tools, household appliances, PCB boards, etc.
                Technical Parameters
                Switch type: normally closed
                Rated voltage and current: 125V AC 12A / 250V AC 8A
                Operating temperature: 45 ℃ -175 ℃ (every 5 ℃ is a file)
                Standard tolerance: ± 3 ℃ ± 5 ℃
                Reset temperature: 2/3 of the operating temperature, can be customized
                Contact resistance: ≤50mΩ
                Insulation resistance: ≥100MΩ
                Life: ≥10000 times

                Product Size

                Model Description

                上一篇:WS1 Waterstop